Austin, Safe and Clean

Austin Safe and Clean (AS&C) is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the wonderful, off-beat city its people — native and newcomer alike — love.

Our Mission

Austin may be weird and is certainly proud of that, but squalor, crime, and dysfunction are never something to be proud of.

No Austinite, regardless of background, should have to accept them as intractable or simply the “price of living in a city.”

AS&C seeks to empower communities in Austin and Travis County with the information they need to understand matters affecting their safety and quality of life and to hold public officials and private actors accountable for upholding these.

Support Us

Your gift amplifies our efforts to incubate the communities and technologies that will build a stronger Austin.


Sign up for our hackathon!

AS&C is hosting a hackathon to change the way Austin deals with crime, homelessness, traffic, and public policy through our burgeoning tech sector.
When: May 18th-19th
Where: FUTO's UT Campus - 2410 San Antonio St, Austin, TX 78705
What time: 12pm on the 18th to 4pm on the 19th

Sign up!

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